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A serie of portraits
from the people working
behind the scenes on
the North Sea island

As the serie was made for
a group exhibition on
Norderney (April 2014), my
aim was, to show the tourists
the people they usually donīt
see, but are vital for their
well being.
alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney alex fischer, fotograf, portrait, unsichtbar, norderney

impressum / copyright Đ alex fischer 2012 / all rights reserved / / 01573 855 42 64